Nowhere are you going to hear a fifteen-year-old say: “let’s see what’s on TV.” Take note of this.
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By: Gabriela Loyola, Head of Sales, Twitch, Mexico.
Entertainment has evolved, especially in the younger generations. And the thing is, nowhere are you going to hear a fifteen-year-old say: “let’s see what’s on TV.” The time when entertainment was dictated by the big television networks and the premieres programmed in the movie complexes of each country is over. Things have changed; entertainment today is chosen every second and every minute individually. It occurs in the moments of discovery that people are finding (and generating) throughout the day, either on the journeys they pass in the transport, in a waiting room or in the days / hours of leisure that each one finds or have.
We certainly saw a great acceleration of this evolution during 2020, where life as we previously knew it changed. We all know that social distancing caused a greater digital connection and that trend has continued throughout 2021. In 2020 alone, Twitch grew significantly in Mexico . And it is that, where some people only use a service, we prefer to see how people gather to consume and be part of the live content; thus they generate community not only around a topic, but even certain creators (channels).
To give a better idea, in Mexico the Twitch audience is composed mostly of people between 16 and 24 years old, whom we would call Generation Z, followed by the famous Millennials, Mexicans and Mexican women between 25 and 34 years of age . We know how valuable this audience is , but we also know that this group of young people has drastically changed the number of hours they spend in front of different screens. According to GWI, Generation Z spends 1:49 hours consuming linear TV, 4:38 hours on Online PC and 5:17 hours on Mobile Online.
I am also sure that, reading all this, you will imagine how huge and massive the video game audience is . Yes, gaming was the content that gave birth to Twitch. It is in their DNA. And, despite the fact that most of the content consumed on Twitch in Mexico is related to video games, our audience has gone further and also explores content such as Music, Sports and even casual conversations. These categories have also had a significant growth of 4x during the last 3 years worldwide.
Among so many content and forms of entertainment, from Twitch we have seen something special and that is that, one of the main reasons why people meet, is because of the great interaction that exists between the creators and their community . And that does not stop there, because this interaction is accompanied by influence and trust that arises between the members of each channel; that is, a community arises! Our main audience, Gen-Z and Millennials, seek active participation in content, leaving static consumption behind , which generates even more interaction and relevance for them.
If there is something I am sure of, it is that, just as entertainment and attention have changed, the people who do marketing and are related to the advertising industry must also do so. On this side, modifying the way we think about a strategy must evolve; Of course, this is if you want to remain relevant and connect with young audiences. Those brands that are not part of these communities and conversations will be destined to lose importance and attention. My mission as part of this team is that brands have the possibility not only to be part of the content, but to understand our audience and do it in an authentic way, mixed with the conversation of the content that people see and enjoy.
And just as gaming is in Twitch’s DNA, so is understanding how interaction and the multiplayer experience come naturally to both sides of the industry. I will not stop insisting that the brands that understand this opportunity will be those that are part of the experience, guided by simple actions and that speak to our audience, which is so difficult to find elsewhere. Regardless of the format you choose, be it a creative video campaign, a project built ad-hoc with creators and innovative ideas, don’t forget that the easiest way to enter the territory of gamers is to be where they are part of the conversation. All of this is already happening on Twitch.