Uploading your business to the cloud is the beginning of digital transformation, but a data-driven business future requires Artificial Intelligence and using it as a service.
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Did you know that data can drive the digital transformation of your business? That’s how it is. Today they have become the most valuable and powerful asset to accelerate innovation and create new experiences with customers.
There are not a few organizations that have realized this potential and are seeking their digital transformation. The problem comes in how to handle the enormous amount of data that is currently generated, something that becomes complex when you do not have the adequate infrastructure to achieve it.
This is much more evident when it requires immediate access from anywhere to the data and a new experience of consumption of it.
That is, organizations want to accelerate their transformation, but are slowed by the disparity of software and hardware, coupled with manual processes and organizational silos, which result in a fragmented approach, operational inefficiency and business risk, all at the expense of agility and innovation.
Data as a service
Organizations have experienced this complexity for years in which data administrators face the challenge of optimizing access to data, while always keeping it protected, within a growing threat landscape.
The cloud seems to be the potential answer to this complexity, but it is not enough to have the information there. Optimized and simplified management is required, better if it is supported by Artificial Intelligence with an approach that integrates automation policies throughout the data life cycle.
It is precisely the proposal of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Storage, a proven leader in enterprise storage, who has been working for the last 18 months on a new solution.
Have you ever imagined working from anywhere in the world with a simple, agile and secure platform? Now it is possible with Unified DataOps. This new bet from HPE unifies data operations as services. By combining data-centric automation, cloud-native operations, and AI-powered intelligence, it dramatically streamlines data and infrastructure management.
Discover DataOps
Managing access to your data has never been easier. With an original approach and a new way of thinking, DataOps allows you to establish policies and automation focused on data, cloud-native operations and control, and information and intelligence powered by AI.
So that you can accelerate the digital transformation of your business based on data, next Thursday, November 9 at 7:00 pm we will talk with Bernardo Miretzky , Head of Data Services business, Latin America and the Caribbean at Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
During Entrepreneur MASTERS we will talk about all the advantages offered by unifying data operations as a service and you will be able to discover out loud how to enhance your data in a simple, agile, and secure way.
Welcome to the future of data-driven transformation. Free registration here .